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is right for your industry

80% of industrial facilities are unable to accurately estimate their downtime. A common estimate is that factories lose anywhere from 5% to 20% of their productivity due to downtime.

The costs of repairing equipment after a catastrophic failure are much higher, and it takes much longer than addressing minor issues as they arise.
The impact that downtime can have on costs can be overwhelming. For example, is estimated that in the automotive industry, one minute of downtime cost is between $ 22,000 and $ 50,000.

Industries where Prediktis can save millions of dollars


Is estimated that in the automotive industry, one minute of downtime cost is between $ 22,000 and $ 50,000 , which equals $3 million per hour.


81% of retailers experience downtime at least once a year. 87% of retailers wait up to 4 hours for support when an outage occurs. The average cost for retailer down time is $4,700 per minute, or $282,000 per hour at retail locations. 

Pharma Production

Stopping a production flow, due to a failure of an equipment can lead to delays in delivery, subsequent congestion of the production flow to recover the down time, costs with penalties for delayed deliveries.Pretiktis anticipates and eliminates all these risks. Of the 82 percent of companies that have experienced unplanned downtime over the past three years, those outages lasted an average of four hours and cost an average of $2 million.


A total of 82% of companies have experienced unplanned downtime over the past three years and that unplanned downtime in manufacturing can cost a company as much as $260,000 an hour

Oil & Gas

Averaging just over 27 days of downtime each year, offshore oil and gas organizations experience $38 million in financial impacts from unplanned downtime. For the worst performers the costs can be upwards of $88 million.

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